¥3,980 税込
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オーガニック100%コットンMokumoku TシャツにオンエソラデザインのMokumokuを入れました。このTシャツを着るとMokumokuもみんなも、地球も笑顔になってあなたもキラキラに輝くよ♡
orgabits(オーガビッツ)とは、「オーガニックコットンを通して、みんなで”ちょっと”ずつ地球環境に貢献しよう」という想いからはじまった社会貢献とビジネスを両立するプロジェクトです。オーガビッツアイテムを通してTシャツ1枚のご注文につき1円の寄付を行っており、一般財団法人PEACE BY PEACE COTTON PROJECTへ寄付金が送られます。その寄付金は、オーガニックコットンの栽培促進とインドの農村の子ども達の就学支援に役立てられます。
I put Onesora design Mokumoku in a 100% organic cotton Mokumoku T-shirt. When you wear this T-shirt, Mokumoku, everyone, and the earth will smile and you will shine brightly♡
100% organic cotton T-shirt that is gentle on the earth and skin. It is a target product of a social contribution project that donates 1 yen per order.
Orgabits is a project that balances social contribution and business, starting with the thought of "Let's contribute to the global environment "a little" by everyone through organic cotton." We donate 1 yen per order of a T-shirt through the orgabits item, and donations will be sent to the general incorporated foundation PEACE BY PEACE COTTON PROJECT. The donation will be used to promote the cultivation of organic cotton and support the schooling of rural children in India.
100% organic cotton that is gentle to the earth and skin
It is a T-shirt that is gentle to the earth and the skin using 100% cotton grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and the collar is made into a two-needle sewing that is difficult to stretch no matter how many times you wear it. Of course, the collar name is also organic cotton.
¥3,980 税込